You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.8. Inventory - Reconcile Uncosted Receipts > Entering Uncosted Received Lines

Entering Uncosted Received Lines

You use the Enter Uncosted Received Line screen to add and maintain the items to be reconciled against the supplier invoice. When you load an uncosted receipt into the uncosted receipts batch, all the goods receipt lines are added to the batch. You can then add, edit or delete the lines to match the items to be reconciled. You should also confirm that the cost from the purchase order matches the cost charged on the invoice.


Technical Tip

Note that reconciling uncosted receipts is only used to add or update invoice details such as the invoice amount, invoice number or to change the item costs. You cannot edit item quantities.

The lines you enter into the uncosted receipts batch update the Inventory master files.

To maintain the items to be reconciled against the supplier invoice:

  1. Create a new uncosted receipts batch, or load an existing batch, then load the actual delivery dockets (uncosted receipts) to be reconciled against the supplier invoice.

Refer to "Reconcile Invoices - Load Uncosted".

Micronet displays the Reconcile Invoices screen.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add or edit items, Micronet displays the Enter Uncosted Received Line screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Item Number

Enter the ID of the item received. You can also press Tab or Enter to select an item.


Item Description

Micronet displays the description of the selected item.



Micronet displays your default warehouse. If this field is enabled, you can select the warehouse the item was received into.



If you loaded an uncosted receipt, Micronet displays the quantity of the item ordered.



If you loaded an uncosted receipt, Micronet displays the quantity of the item actually received. You cannot change this quantity. If you have received only a partial quantity of the item, you need to process another uncosted reconciliation when the remaining quantity of the item is received.

2.8 Feature

If you add a non-inventory item to the uncosted receipts batch (e.g. freight), this field is enabled so you can enter the quantity.


Selected Price

Select the cost price charged for the items on the supplier invoice. If you want to enter a price manually or change the price displayed, select Nett and enter the actual price in the Cost field.



Micronet displays the buy price for the item from the Inventory master file.

If you selected Nett in the previous field, enter the nett buy price for the items received.



Enter any discount you have received from the supplier on the price of the item, as a percentage.


Tax Percentage

Micronet displays the default GST/sales tax percentage for the item. You can change this if required.


Line Total

Micronet displays the total cost of the items (Received x Cost - Discount).


Appropriated Freight

Micronet displays any freight amount appropriated against the order.


GST Total

Micronet displays the total amount of GST included in the order.


Line Total Inc

Micronet displays the line total including appropriated freight and GST.

  1. Optionally, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Enter Uncosted Received Line screen if required:


Technical Tip

The SLIP NUMBERS option is not currently used.

  1. When you have finished maintaining the details for the uncosted received line, select the Accept button.

Micronet saves the details of the item you have added or edited and redisplays the Enter Uncosted Received Line screen so you can continue adding or maintaining items to be reconciled.

  1. When you have finished adding and maintaining items to be reconciled, select the Cancel button to close the Enter Uncosted Received Line screen.

Micronet redisplays the Reconcile Invoices screen showing all the items included in the uncosted receipts batch.